October 2, 2016

Engaging in Spiritual Warfare

Pastor: Pastor Marc Wragg Series: Communion Service Topic: Spiritual warfare

Some misunderstand the work of grace in the life of the Christian. God has indeed removed the penalty of sin for all those who trust in Christ, but He has also broken sin’s power over us. No longer are we to be enslaved to our former lusts, but rather we are to pursue holiness, just as our God is holy. This battle is a difficult one because of our unredeemed flesh, but sanctification is the will of God for every believer. How can we wage spiritual warfare successfully? Remember that the battle is fought and won in the mind. You must take every thought captive to Christ, putting off the old man and his fleshly deeds and putting on the new man who walks by the Spirit. Be zealous for God and jealous for His glory, and leave no room for sin in your life. Guard your heart from sin’s influence, and keep a heavenly perspective by seeing your labors in light of eternity. Finally, be strong in the grace which is in Christ, and be steadfast in His love. 

other sermons in this series