July 9, 2017

The Spoken Word of God's Written Scriptures

Pastor: Pastor Steve Smith Series: Special Topic Topic: Scripture Passage: Psalm 19:7–11

The sun, moon, and stars testify to the greatness of God, and the richness and bounty of the earth below are witness to His manifold goodness. The revelation of God in creation is indeed enough for you to know of God and His power. But to know Him intimately as your God, you must seek Him through the revelation of Himself in the Scriptures. The Word of God is without error from beginning to end. In its narratives we see the manifestation of God’s character as He interacts with His people, His hatred of sin, and His great patience with men. In its wisdom literature we find principles that shed light on our path. And in its epistles we find bread for our souls, words that rebuke us in our sin, correct us in our error, and encourage us in daily walk. Believer, would you be wise and mature of spirit? Sinner, would you be restored and find eternal life in Christ? All of these spiritual riches and ten thousand more are only for those who tremble at His Word.      

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