November 5, 2017

Key Ingredients for Lasting Joy

Pastor: Pastor Eric Borgstrom Series: Special Topic Topic: Joy Passage: Philippians 1:18–26

Many claim to have found joy through some physical practice or mental outlook on life. Yet these supposed paths to happiness are often just temporary and superficial emotional responses to pleasant worldly circumstances. When the circumstances change, the feeling of joy is gone. Believers are called to have a different kind of joy, one that is genuine because it is rooted entirely in the unchanging character, power, and promises of God. Given the temptations of the world and the cravings of the unredeemed flesh, how can believers safeguard themselves against pursuing worldly joy? First, view every circumstance through a committed confidence in God’s redemptive sovereignty. Remember that the Lord is always faithful, and that He providentially uses everything for our spiritual good. Second, choose to exalt Christ no matter the cost. If our all-consuming ambition is to see God glorified, then our own comfort becomes a minor concern. Finally, put the interests of the Church above your own, so that your longing to be with Christ is only restrained by your intense desire to minister to the people of God.

other sermons in this series